Opportunities for You
The following is a brief overview of the ministries operating within and affiliated with our Church. If you are interested in participating in any of these opportunities please contact us for more information.
Sunday Morning Worship
Every Sunday at 10:50 am. Our worship services feature a variety of music from traditional hymns to modern worship songs sung by a Worship Team or lead by a song leader and accompanied by piano and organ. A typical morning service will also feature a Bible based sermon by one of our Pastors or perhaps a visiting minister.
Children's Church
For ages 3-5 during the regular Sunday Morning worship service.
Sunday School
A variety of classes for all ages. Every Sunday at 9:50 am.
Youth Group
Meets on Fridays at 7:30. A place to get to know God and others who love him! For more information contact us.
Youth Leaders: Mark & Amy Selke
Amy 204-408-0652
Mark 204-380-4910
The Gladstone Treasure Chest
The Gladstone Treasure Chest is operated by the Gladstone Christian Fellowship. The mandate of the store is to provide affordable goods to the local community and to support worthy projects abroad. Volunteers are always welcome.
Ladies Ministry
The goal of the ladies ministry is to encourage and build relationships with women of all-ages. The above photo was taken on our trip to tour the new Womens Addictions Center operated by Union Gospel Mission in Winnipeg.
Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) runs for five days every July. It is a fun program featuring, singing, skits, games, crafts, and Bible Classes for children ages five to thirteen.
SonCatchers is a fun program featuring singing, crafts, and Bible teaching for children grades 2-6.
Other Opportunities...
The following organizations are not officially a part of our Church or controlled by it but are either supported by us, or our members. We encourage you to contact them individually for more information.
Valley View Bible Camp
Summer camping for young people and their families.
Youth For Christ
Reaching out to youth in our communities.
The Gideons
Distributing God's word in Canada.
Union Gospel Mission
A Winnipeg soup-kitchen reaching out to the down-trodden and overlooked.